Tuesday, December 20, 2016


So my update, I had knee surgery mid October this year. Knee is sorta doing better but I figure it hurts still because it's so flipping cold now. I started my new job at the beginning of November.  I still like it even if at times it's frustrating.
I heard from him today, the last I talked, well texted, with him was back in September.  I seriously believe he contacts me when he's bored or something. I hear from him so randomly. I get that he has a job where he's not always some place with cell service but still.  This kids, is why you shouldn't have a physical attraction to someone you never see.  Probably not a good idea to have an emotional one either, if you have one of those. I guess, in my case, I'm lucky because I never see him.
I suppose that is all I have to say for now.
Good night!